Eighth Pathway: Developing Transformative Financial Instruments
The Eighth and last Pathway is ‘Developing Transformative Financial Instruments’. In a world where the Planet is becoming inhabitable, where ecosystems are being destroyed and natural resources are being exploited by the wealthy, we need a fundamental shift in the financial system. This shift will allow humans to understand that wealth is not rooted in economic values but instead is rooted in wellbeing and in thriving natural ecosystems. The disparagement of wealth accumulation widens the socio-economic gap and increases the number of people who live in poverty. Those who have the most money are able to live in places that have no pollution and work in pursuit of their own goals and interests. Unethical practices lead to unhealthy ecosystems and conflict over natural resources. We have to rethink this relationship between economics and the natural ecosystem and shift our thoughts about what we should value, which is happiness and our wellbeing. Increased funding should be given to organisations and individuals who are committed to supporting sustainable ecosystems and policy makers and businesses should work together towards this goal.